
This page lists articles arranged by category. Note that unwritten articles are not yet linked. If you have an idea for a future article topic or a question to tackle, please suggest it in a comment below.




  • Do objects in math exist independently?
  • Is math invented or discovered?
  • Where does mathematical knowledge come from?


  • What is time?
  • Why does time have an arrow?
  • Is time travel possible?


  • If spacetime is 4D, why can we only move in 3D?
  • Why are mass and energy equivalent?
  • Why does time slow down at high speeds?
  • Does relativity imply eternal life?

Quantum Mechanics

  • Does everything that can happen, actually happen?
  • How do quantum computers work?
  • Does quantum mechanics imply immortality?
  • What is entanglement?


  • What makes something conscious?
  • Can a machine be conscious?

Artificial Intelligence


  • How will the world end?
  • What is the limit to human population growth?
  • Can medicine cure any disease and heal any injury?
  • Will life inherit the universe?
  • Can life survive beyond the end of the universe?


  • How good can technology get?
  • Why does technology improve exponentially?
  • How do computers work?



  • Can technology make us infinitely wealthy?
  • Where does money come from?




52 Replies to “Questions”

      1. Hi Chaithanyan,

        I plan to address that question in an upcoming article. I hope to get to it soon. But I can give you a preview here. Ultimately all value boils down to experience. Everything we do is motivated by the desire to increase the quantity, quality, or diversity of life experiences. Nothing can be known outside of experience.

        From this we can conclude the purpose of live is to have experiences and to create opportunities for experience for others. To have more of them, a higher quality of them, and more unique and varied of them.


          1. Hi Abhinay,

            I think it is normal to have such fears. We fear the unknown and what comes after death is the ultimate unknown.

            I think you might reduce your fear by watching some of the videos on this playlist:

            Also, if you haven’t already, you might check out the article on is there life after death: which covers some of the possibilities for what might come next. It will also be available as a video within the next few days.

            Please let me know if you have any specific questions and I will do my best to answer them.

    1. Hello, new to your channel but I am completely obsessed with the content and I am happy to have found your channel before it “blows up”… It is severely under-viewed and deserves to be way, way more known. I subscribed to youtube channel and signed up for notifications for your book upon publication… Do you have a Patreon? I’d like to support you and your work anyway I can… Is the youtube channel “all you”? Thank you for the great content!!

      1. Hi Joe,

        Thank you for your kind comments and for subscribing! The growth has been gaining momentum lately. I have faith that if I keep putting out more episodes it will continue.

        I don’t have a Patreon but I very much appreciate your offer of support. So far the YouTube channel has been just me but I have a friend starting to assist with editing; keep an eye out for some revamped versions of the episodes to be out soon.

    2. Hello, I am a frequent viewer of your YouTube channel and am particularly inspired/intrigued with your content. My question is perhaps more like a request or suggestion… I would like to know more about how the range of people you quote (e.g. Descartes, Feynman, Watts & Tegmark), which are all from different backgrounds, disciplines, and even the eras they came from. Perhaps an insight to their thought processes, approach to “problems” and how they differ and/or are similar as the case may be..? Additionally, I’d really be interested in some lesser known minds that you could suggest for further examination. Thank You

      1. Hi Joe,

        Thank you, I am so happy to hear you find the content inspiring. Though I am by no means a biographical expert on those I quote, I have noticed some commonalities.

        I would say they all possessed a boldness that’s necessary to challenge the status quo. It requires some amount of bravery to put forward ideas counter to what is broadly held, to go against the grain with an unconventional, if not controversial, theory.

        But it is said the world is only changed by those who believe they have the power to change the world.

        As to how they approach problems, Feynman’s books, “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”, and “What do you care what other people think?” are good insights into Feynman’s mind.

        But I would add, I think Feynman’s mind is quite unique, and I don’t know if these other thinkers share common methods for tackling programs. Though some amount of obsession is, I think, a necessary ingredient.

        Based on your suggestion, I created a page listing some of the great thinkers whose ideas have brought us closer to finding answers to the big questions:

      1. Hi Silvia,

        That is a very interesting question. It is difficult to approach this scientifically as it relies on first-hand accounts, but there are plausible explanations for such situations under the assumption this world is a kind of simulation. Look out for the article “Are we living in a computer simulation?” which will have more to say about this. Thank you for your question!

  1. Dear Jason —

    If awaken awareness was to evolve and spread in the population what would that network look like?

    PS. I connected with your father yesterday and live next door. I wonder if you are familiar with the Fetzer Institute and some of the work they support in areas you seem to have an interest and apparently a great deal of knowledge. Best wishes on all of you endeavors. Sincerely Keith

    1. Hi Keith,
      That’s an excellent question. I think we can learn something from historic examples of lower-level awakenings. For example, the evolving morals for how humans treat other humans, and also in how humans treat other creatures. Each step in that evolution begins with recognizing one’s self in others. At first the awakenings might occur individual-by-individual, but once a large enough fraction of the society accept it and are raised in it, that new awareness becomes part of their ingrained truth.
      I was not aware of the Fetzer Institute, though after looking at their site I can say that my next post will discuss the concept of a shared humanity. Thanks for sharing and for your best wishes!

  2. Hi Jason,

    I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the morality/ethics of whether we, as a society, should utilize advances in psychology such as Nudging, to further the evolution of humanity as a whole, and what could be done to prevent it being used for nefarious purposes.


  3. Hi Ram,

    Thanks for that suggestion! I do think that question makes for an interesting article. Perhaps it even makes sense to have a category of questions devoted to ethics.

    As far as the morality of nudging, or anything for that matter, generally speaking, simple answers on these questions can at best only offer a heuristic. That heuristic may often be right, but it will also have special cases where it gives the wrong answer.

    Specific moral questions require a dedicated investigation and analysis. For instance:
    Is it right or wrong to pay students for good attendance?
    Is it right or wrong to tax people for buying soda?
    Is it right or wrong to subsidize corn production?

    All might be considered examples of nudging. But all have different sets of unintended consequences, and different classes of people who benefit and who lose.

    Further complicating moral questions is that the answers depend on what you are trying to optimize. What values do you hold as good and bad? How do you compare and weigh competing values? How do you account for those in society whose values differ from yours or those who share similar values but weight them differently?

    To your question, which I think asks is nudging a step forward or step backward in arranging society, my answer is that it depends. All societies use coercion in one form or another, whether it be a king’s threat of beheading or a modern society’s imposition of fines or prison.

    Nudging provides a new way to push preferences without overt coercion. This could be seen as an improvement, but it also introduces a new downside: it can be done covertly. Whereas king’s decrees and society’s laws are by definition public, nudging can be done surreptitiously.

    The benefit of transparency of laws is that it enables scrutiny and debate by society. It gives a society a chance to review a given policy and decide whether or not it is in alignment with the collectively weighted values of that society.

    If applications of nudging are debated and decided openly, then it retains this benefit of today’s laws while at the same time reducing overt coercion based on threats. Is this a good thing? That depends on your own values.


      1. Hi Lisa,

        That is certainly possible, and perhaps likely. For instance, in the case of an afterlife where one has previously experienced other lives and upon passing regains access to those memories, then the benefit of those other perspectives provide for greater understanding, compassion and capacity to forgive.

        There are also conceptions of an afterlife where one’s life experiences merge with or otherwise become part of a God-like mind, which possesses memories of all lives. This mind would be the ultimate in terms of understanding. Understanding promotes compassion, and compassion promotes forgiveness.

        I hope this answer is helpful to you.

  4. Hi Axl Hugh Calunsag,

    To your first question, if the universes is infinite, (and all indications suggest it is, then the answer to your first questions is yes. Other life forms exist and are exploring the universe.

    To the second question, of whether Earth has been visited, this depends on several factors, such as how rare or common life is in the universe, and whether life is motivated enough to spread throughout the cosmos. It remains an open question, but some possibilities are explored on:

    I can also recommend reading as well as for other viewpoints on this question.

    1. Hi Shweta,

      That’s an interesting question, and one I haven’t researched myself. My assumption is that at least in some cases we can, particularly in the case of illness. I will have to look into this more.

    1. Hi Thoriso Gaobidiwe,

      Thank you for your question.

      As to the details of how alien species live (their routines, culture, beliefs, foods, tools, societal organization, etc.) I could not say. It is likely these vary significantly from alien civilization to alien civilization. Even humans live quite differently from each other and we are the same species living on the same planet.

      That said, alien species, and for that matter all conscious life, is driven by the same universal goal. This goal motivates what aliens pursue for their own lives and their civilizations. This goal is explained in the article:

      This may not be the answer you are looking for, but I hope it might shed some light on your question. Best wishes.

  5. If an infinite number of possibilities exist after death as stated in the cosmic inflation theory, then one of those possibilities would be that you would die and become nothing for all eternity or worse, that you would die and would suffer in an eternal hell. These two possibilities brings an end to the so called infinite possibilities that await you. If the cosmic inflation theory were the universe, then these two possibilities would be black-holes.

    1. Hi Mark,

      You raise some good points. However, there are reasons to suspect that it is impossible for one’s conscious state to get stuck eternally in the confines of one reality. Essentially if your same mind-state is realized elsewhere, it provides a chance to escape. There will be more to say on this in an upcoming article on personal identity, but see this article for an outline of how one can “escape from a pit”:

      As for one dying and entering and getting stuck in a “null state” of consciousness, was this “null state” not the state you were in before you were born? Alan Watt’s describes this in more detail:

  6. Hi Jason. As I mentioned in the “Why Does Anything Exist” video on YouTube, I absolutely love your videos! You explain concepts super clearly without sacrificing rigor and detail. It’s truly a marvel (and I say this as a college professor whose job is to communicate ideas). Anyway, in terms of topic suggestions, I would love if you made a video on the science of psychedelics. That might be outside your wheelhouse but the topic is truly fascinating and links up with a lot of the themes explored in your videos. It would also be great if you could make a video on climate change. I feel like you would offer a really solid assessment that I could trust as a basis for assessing different arguments on the subject. I’d also love a video on virtual particles and/or superposition in quantum physics and different ways of interpreting these concepts. You offer one explanation of quantum physics I n the “Why Does Anything Exist” that leans toward a “many worlds” perspective (in my view) but it would be fantastic if you could review other perspectives as well. Finally, I would love a video that unpacks and explains the concept of entropy in detail, particularly in relation to quantum physics. Thanks for considering!

    1. Hi Josh,

      Thank you for your kind comments and wonderful suggestions for topics to cover in future articles and videos.

      I think these are all great ideas, though to do justice for some of these I will need to do a lot more research.

      I have some upcoming videos planned which will mention ego death and similar experiences. And the limits on population article will cover environmental limitations, though with a much longer time horizon.

      The next article will be on consciousness, but I will do one on QM and entropy soon!

    1. Hi Mdaby Idrissa,

      Great questions. As for the phases of the moon, it’s easiest to explain this phenomenon visually. This video does a good job of showing it:

      As to why a year is not an exact multiple of days (a year is about 365.242 days long), this is because years and days are unrelated to each other. They measure two different things.

      A year is how long it takes Earth to loop around the sun, while a day is how long it takes Earth to spin around itself. If the Earth spun faster, it would not change the length of time in a year, but it would increase the number of days in a year, because then days would be shorter.

      Billions of years ago, the days were in fact shorter by several hours. The Earth was spinning faster than it is now. There would then have been over 400 days in a year.

      What slowed it down you might ask? It was the moon! Tidal friction from the moon slows the spinning of the Earth. This makes days longer, but it’s a gradual process and we don’t notice it on the scales of human lifetimes.

      This tidal friction also causes the moon to slowly drift away from the Earth. The moon was once 10 times closer to Earth than it is now. Imagine the moon being 10 times wider and taller in the sky, it would give us 100 times more light. It must have been quite a sight.

  7. Hello, I like your answer and content and I find it amazing, yet I have some couple of questions that you could try to answer:

    1- Does paranormality exist?
    2- Does aether exist?
    3- Is there more than one god?
    4- Is Astral Projection real?
    5- Are Near-Death Experiences real?
    6- Is there life beyond spacetime?
    7- Are there more than 3-4 dimensions?
    8-Is it possible to leave the spacetime?
    9- Is it possible to overcome the laws of physics?
    10- Are spiritual beings and nonphysical life forms real?
    11- Did gods and mythological beings really lived among humans in the ancient times?
    12- Is psychic phenomena real?
    13- Is mediumship real?
    14- Are spiritual/mystical experiences real?
    15- Does metaphysics exist?
    16- Is there things beyond matter and the spacetime?
    17- Is spiritual healing real?
    18- Why does the placebo effect exist?
    19- Is it possible to overcome the physical and become metaphysical/extraphysical?
    20- Are past life (reincarnation) memories real?

    I know that’s a lot of questions, but most of people often share those same questions, I hope you can answer one by one or even give me possible answer for them one by one.

    1. Hi William,
      This is a great list of questions! Thank you for preparing it. 🙂
      I hope to answer many of these questions in future articles.

  8. Hello man, I have some couple of questions that you might find interesting to answer: 1- Does the moon hava any effect over us? 2- Do the planets have any effect over us? 3- Do alternative medicines work? 4- Is spiritual energy real? 5- Does aether exist? 6- Do paranormal things actually exist? 7- Does metaphysics exist? 8- Is it possible to abolish private property? 9- Does socialism actually work? 10- Is it possible to overcome capitalism? 11- Can AI be stopped somehow? 12- What can we do for avoid AI to take over the world? 13- Is transhumanism inevitable? 14- Is everything energy? 15- Does energy exist? 16 – Are anecdotal experiences reliable? 17- Are pseudosciences reliable? 18- Do spiritual beings and spiritual life forms exist? 19- Are there more than just 3 dimensions? 20- Is astral projection real? 21- Are heaven and hell real? 22- Are we more than just matter? 23- Do souls and spirits exist? 24- Can technology overcome the spacetime and the laws of physics? 25- Are there more than just 2 genders? I know some questions are quite controversial somehow, but try to answer them if you have time.

  9. Your blog is good, but still, you should consider to unite more scientists and create an anti-scientism and an anti new atheism fron inside science, it would be amazing to have it and to have people working on it, but yet, it’s something only can decide, you should create a scientific movement that opposes scientism and new atheism, but yet, only you can decide that and only if you can do that.

    1. Thank you Joshua. By sharing these ideas broadly I hope to reduce the usual lag time between when a scientific discovery or insight is made, and when it can be adopted and applied for the benefit of humanity.

      Rather than view the progress of science as a battle between camps of scientists, it may be more useful to view it as a battle of ideas, which win or lose by evidence. It may be overly idealistic, but it is possibly more pragmatic, as it is difficult to change minds that have settled in on a particular position.

      This is described well by “Planck’s principle”:

  10. Evening Jason, from Birmingham, UK.

    More a thank you than a question.

    Since a young age I have been fascinated by consciousness, cosmology and physics.
    It was depressing the way it was portrayed by popular science as a dead dumb and meaningless accident.
    Your videos have been invaluable to me, I cant thank you enough.
    They point to the idea it could actually be a profoundly meaningful, intelligent, creation…from what I don’t have an opinion, but I feel the truth is more beautiful than what we are taught.

    Thank you again.

    1. Dear Rob,

      Hello, I too have been fascinated by these topics. I am currently working on an article on consciousness, and it is taking so long both because it is a difficult subject and there is so much that could be said. You are right that these subjects are far richer, and deeper than many have made it out to be. I believe reality, and the range of possible and existing conscious experiences, are each infinite, and all conscious experiences are interconnected in subtle and complex ways. I hope to finish this next article and video on consciousness in the next month. I am glad the videos have been helpful to you. Thank you for writing me.

  11. The simulated multiverse is like Max Tegmark level 4 multiverse with different fundamental equations of physics such as thermodynamics work differently, and reality is just some mathematical computer code if the simulation hypothesis is right would there be simulations where the freezing point of water would be set at a different (if water existed in those other simulations where the other fundamental equations of physics would be different temperature let’s say 10 degrees or minus 10 degrees instead of 0 degrees? Meaning would it be possible to simulate the freezing point of water at a different temperature let’s say 10 degrees or minus 10 degrees instead of 0 degrees and life to still be possible. Also, would there be other simulations where the boiling point of water would set a different temperature let’s say 110 degrees or 90 degrees instead of 100 degrees? Meaning would it be possible to simulate the boiling point of water at a different temperature let’s say 90 degrees or 110 degrees and life to still be possible.

    Simulation 1 (our simulation)

    Freezing point of water 273 degrees kelvin (0 degrees Celsius)
    boiling point of water 373 degrees kelvin (100 degrees Celsius)

    Simulation 2 (different set of fundamental equations of physics where water or something like water would exist)

    Freezing point of water 263 degrees kelvin (minus 10 degrees Celsius)
    boiling point of water 383 degrees kelvin (110 degrees Celsius)

    Simulation 3 (different set of fundamental equations of physics where water or something like water would exist)

    Freezing point of water 283 degrees kelvin (10 degrees Celsius)
    Boiling point of water 363 degrees kelvin (90 degrees Celsius)

    Simulation 4 (different set of fundamental equations of physics where water or something like water would exist)

    Freezing point of water 263 degrees kelvin (minus 10 degrees Celsius)
    Boling point of water 363 degrees kelvin (90 degrees Celsius)

    Simulation 5 (different set of fundamental equations of physics where water or something like water would exist)

    Freezing point of water 283 degrees kelvin (10 degrees Celsius)
    Boiling point of water 383 degrees kelvin (110 degrees Celsius)

    if the chemical properties are NOT simulated down to this level of accuracy such as electron mass or strength of the electromagnetic field, then could you have different freezing and Boiling points of water in another simulation?

  12. I’m AlwaysAsking myself , how does evolution actually works, especially human evolution. I know it’s not like The March of Progress but more like a tree with many branches but how does the morphology of the body can change from an australopithecus afarensis to an homo sapiens?

    1. Hi Jon,

      Thank you so much for your article suggestion. I am actually sketching out an article that will touch on the subject of evolution, in particular on how physical constants determine many of the properties of life as we know it (and would apply to life elsewhere in the universe), and also some of the accidents of history, things which happened here which may not have happened elsewhere.

      I will have to put some more thought into your specific question as it relates to humans. In the meantime, you might appreciate this live visual demonstration of evolution, which shows to mutations emerge at random, and how descendants of those with successful mutations grow to become some or all of the remaining population:

  13. Hello there Jason!

    I am here for ask you, when are you gonna to publish new articles? I mean, you don’t publish any new article since March 8, 2021. I hope you’re doing well anyway, I know you are. Anyway, are you doing that much research for writing your new articles, or are you just taking your time before writing new stuff? Or do you have other personal/work projects?

    Sorry but I am curious about that.

    1. Hi Dumuginammu, I have been working on the new article since then. It has simply taken far longer than I imagined it would. I am making steady progress, however, and hope to have it out soon! It is on the subject of consciousness.

      1. Hello Jason!

        I just wrote a comment for David form Melbourne Lacanian, and I would like to see your responses regarding the questions I did there:

        “Hello David!

        I would like to know what are your stances regarding the Russo-Ukrainian War and the Israel-Hamas War. I mean, I think it is worthy to put psychoanalysis in practice in all stances and modern-day things. And even Marxism itself too.

        And also, I would like to know what is your stance regarding Marx and Freud being homophobes and antitheists. As well as of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau and the like being slave owners and the like.

        And also, I would like to know what is your stance regarding nationalism and irredentism too. Like Italian Irredentism, Brazilian Irredentism, French Irrendentism, British Irrendentism, German Irredentism, US Irrendentism, Canadian Irredentism, Quebecois Irredentism, Spanish Irredentism, Portuguese Irrendentism, Ukrainian Irredentism etc. As well as of the radlib-neolib fascistic defense of the status-quo like equating everything that goes against the status-quo as being “smoking weed” and the like.

        And also, what are your thoughts on Campism and on Reverse Campism. Campism is like saying “Russia is Anti-Imperialist” while Reverse Campism is “Ukraine-NATO is/are anti-imperialist”.

        And also, what do you think about Israeli pink washing as well? What is your stance on that? I think you know about that already. Since it shows how much Wokeism and Woke Liberalism/Neoliberalism are things too.

        And also, what do you think about the concepts of “pseudoscience” and “conspiracy theory” as being complex concepts where you can have real things within it? I think it is worthy of the discussion. Like not all pseudoscience are 100% false just like not all science are 100% true. And also, about “truth” and “bullshit” being relative concepts like the whole “truth = defending the status-quo & bullshit = questioning the status-quo” things.

        And also, what do you think about Neoliberalism as a form of authoritarian capitalism and totalitarian capitalism? I know what is your stance on neoliberalism. Yet, I would like to know your stance on authoritarian capitalism and totalitarian capitalism.

        And also, what is your stance on the whole freud-lacan Durkheimo-webero-marxism thing? I would like if you could elaborate more on that too. And also, your stance on 21st century socialism too.

        And also, what is your stance on the AES countries, that are Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, China, North Korea, and Burkina Faso? And what do you think about history repeating itself on Burkina Faso with Sankarism again in power?

        And also, what do you think about spiritual sciences, Theological Sciences, and divine sciences? I would like to know what you have to say about those fields of knowledge.

        And also, what do you think about Abzunianism and about the Abyss Philosophy and the Abyss Theology? “Abzunianism is a modern spiritual and philosophical movement that promotes the idea of a shared, interconnected universe. It suggests that the universe is made up of a continuous and dynamic flow of energy, and that people are connected not only to each other but also to the divine and to the natural world. It encourages people to live in harmony and unity with each other and with the universe, and to work together to create a better world for themselves and for others.It also suggests that people should respect and care for the environment and the human and animal populations that depend on it. It stresses the importance of compassion, cooperation, and understanding in creating a healthy and sustainable society.In Abzunianism, the Abyss is seen as a metaphor for the possibility of infinite possibilities and potential, and fractals are seen as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things and the infinite complexity and detail of the universe.
        The idea of the Abyss and the use of fractals as a metaphor for the universe are all part of a broader idea of the Abzunian worldview, which sees the universe as a continuous and dynamic process of change and growth, and the human experience as a journey through different levels of consciousness and awareness.Abzunianism sees the universe as a continuous, dynamic process of change and growth. This process is seen as part of a greater cycle of destruction and creation, where new things and forms are constantly being created and destroyed. The idea of the Abyss is a reference to this constant cycle of creation and destruction, and to the idea that everything in the universe is constantly changing and evolving.
        The concept of the Abyss is also linked to the concept of fractals, which are mathematical patterns that exist on all levels of reality.The Abyss Philosophy and Abyss Theology are the two main branches of the Abzunian worldview. The Abyss Philosophy is focused on the scientific and empirical understanding of the universe and its fundamental principles, while the Abyss Theology is focused on the spiritual and mystical understanding of the universe and its relationship to human experience.The Abyss Philosophy is concerned with the rational and logical understanding of the physical world, and the study of the universe through a scientific or empirical lens. It uses the scientific method and critical thinking to explore the nature of reality, and aims to develop a comprehensive and consistent understanding of the universe.The Abyss Theology, on the other hand, is concerned with the spiritual and mystical understanding of the universe and its relationship to human experience. It uses the techniques of meditation, contemplation, and personal introspection to explore the relationship between the individual and the divine, and seeks to understand the universe through a personal and subjective lens.” “The Abyss is a central concept in Abzunianism. It represents the unknown, the unknowable, and the unexplored potential of life. It’s seen as a place or state of infinite possibilities where all things are possible but nothing has yet been actualized.Abzunianism sees the universe as a place of endless possibilities and possibilities beyond our imagination. The Abyss is what gives us the power to dream and create, to make the impossible possible. It’s where we can find our inner peace and harmony, and connect with the divine.Abzunianism suggests that the world is made up of a constant and dynamic flow, a circular movement of energy and motion. It’s a flow of creation, destruction, renewal, and renewal again. Everything changes and transforms, nothing stays the same. It’s a constant movement of change, growth, rebirth, and death. That’s the process of reality. Everything is constantly moving, nothing’s static or unchanging.Fractals are a mathematical concept, a representation of complex patterns and designs that repeat at different levels of magnification. Fractals can be found in nature, such as in the pattern of trees and cloud formations. In Abzunianism, fractals are seen as a metaphor for the interconnectivity of everything in the universe, and the fact that we are all interconnected and interdependent with each other and with the universe.
        The idea of fractals is based on the principle that the whole is made up of the same patterns and structures as the parts.It suggests that we can understand the universe at different levels of magnification, and that everything in the universe, regardless of its size or scale, is connected and follows the same patterns and structures. The concept of fractals is a way of understanding and visualizing the interconnectedness of everything, and of recognizing the similarity between the big and the small, the infinite and the finite, the whole and the part. It also implies that the universe is made up of nested patterns within patterns, an endless fractal of interconnectedness and unity.”

        And also, what are your stances on Astral Projection, Mediumship, Psychism, Spirituality, Divinity, and the like?

        And also, what do you think about the Anarchist-Marxist thesis that all Capitalist states and Capitalist governments are illegitimate and illegal and totalitarian and authoritarian governments? This thesis started to return in 2020 and it became mainstream with the Russo-Ukrainian War and with the Israel-Hamas War. What do you think about that? Same way for voting under capitalism-neoliberalism being the same as dancing in the rain?

        And also, what do you think about Land Back movements around the world? Like the Turtle Island movement, the Uluru Movement, and so on?

        And also, what do you think about space colonization and about rebalacing Earth? What do you think about things like the Venus Project, Huel, 2045 Iniciative, and similar projects?

        Well, I think that’s enough for now. Take your time responding all my questions.”

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